Monday, October 29, 2012

Myth: Done Media: In pogress

Mythology is done with and I'm happy about it. However, I did learn new things about mythology. I realized that myths are still in our literacy. They just have modern twists to them. It's pretty cool. I was happy when I figured out the sacred place could be related to Holes because the myth talked about how the water would heal the sickness, but only if he went back to see the mysterious woman. The same concept can be applied to Holes because the main character carried the young boy up the mountains to drink the water from the river while singing to him. He followed through what his great-great-grandfather was supposed to do, forever releasing his family from the curse.

Now we have to think about how media influences the classroom. My group has some interesting ideas and I can't wait to explore more about that. I do believe that media and technology are changing the environment of the classrooms. The students are no longer able to pay attention to lessons. They seem to be hands-on more and want to do something that involves graphics, videos, music, etc. I wonder how my class will develop their ideas based on that.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I have to admit something about mythology - I never understood it. The basic myths, sure, but when it came to the ones that were long and about something I had never heard before in my life, I didn't want to hear more about them. I'm trying my best in this class to have an open mind about mythology. It is proving to be difficult at some times.

Another thing I have to admit about mythology - I tried to take a class about Mythology my junior year in high school. I thought it would have been a fun class, but it turned out it was reserved for seniors only, and I couldn't participate to the highest expectations of this course. I think it was the teacher that made it seem like it would have been fun for me. But I wasn't qualified enough yet to take this course.

My opinion about mythology is I think that it depends on how teachers apply mythology to their lessons. They have to make it appealing. They have to make it fun, even though it seems to drag on and on for some myths. Other myths are short so it's hard to make them visual, but that's the challenge. So I'm looking forward to see how mythology could be incorporated in our lessons for teaching English later on.